5 Tips to Keep Your Refrigerator Organized

Refrigerator Organized by Simply Organized Company

Our fridges work so hard day and night, never resting and always managing to keep our food cool and fresh. They work overtime when your husband leaves the door open, and never tires of the smudges little fingers leave on them. So, I think they deserve a little love, don’t you!?

The refrigerator is one of, if not, the most used appliance in your home and yet, we don’t often think to organize this space! Did you know that organizing your fridge can save you time, money, and help you make healthier choices?

I don’t know about you, but before I organized my fridge, our fresh items were expiring before I was able to get to them – and often! There was nothing more frustrating to my husband (or me) than seeing good food go bad and knowing that money was wasted. So, learn from my mistakes and follow these fridge tips.

Here are 5 fridge tips to help you keep your refrigerator organized all week long:

  1. Adjust Your Shelving – refrigerated items come in a variety of sizes, so while you wont need to adjust your shelves every week, it would be helpful to take a step back and evaluate the spacing to suit your personal inventory every so often.
  2. Create a “eat first” Bin – place the items you want to reach for first (typically your fresh produce) or the food that will expire quickly in a visible and easy to reach area. This is usually whatever shelf is at eye level for you. If you struggle with having your food go bad before you can get to it, consider adding a bin and label it “eat first” to remind you and any others that may be opening the fridge to check that bin before any others. When your food is easy to see, you are more likely to reach for it. And since most fridges are typically stocked with fresh fruits and veggies ,those healthy choices can be easier to make! Also, if you know what is in your fridge, you won’t over buy or have items expire in the back of your fridge.
  3. Invest in the right decanting bins. Storing fresh berries can and should look different than how you would store celery. Do the research on the best way to store each produce item, and invest in some good bins that have freshness in mind – like these.
    • I did a collaboration with Prokeeper picking my favorite refrigerator bins that allow you to choose between air tight or air flow for your produce bins. Click the link above to get yours and use the code SO15 for 15% off!

4. Make the Most of Your Top Shelf – instead of having to reach around (and potentially knock over) any jars on the top shelf, add a turntable or two for those extra condiments that don’t fit in your side door: ie. sour cream, hummus, salsa, etc. Make sure to get a turntable with a low lip for easy grabbing instead of a tall one – like the one here.

5. Don’t Forget the Deli Drawer this is typically a large, shallow drawer that can get messy easily as items tend to just be thrown in here without thought. Use drawer dividers or shallow bins to categorize. For example: deli meat, cheeses, uncooked meats, snacks, etc.

Deli Drawer Organization

If you’re ready to get your fridge organized, here are some simple steps to follow:

  1. Empty It All Out and Categorize
  2. Toss any Expired Items
  3. Wipe Down Your Shelves
  4. Grocery Shop as Normal
  5. Place Organizing Bins in Fridge
  6. Add in Fresh Produce

Keeping your fridge organized is not just a one-time project – it takes weekly maintenance however, the reward is well worth it! You’ll find that your food stays fresh longer, gets used more by your family, and looks really pretty while doing it!



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